BCC Statement Regarding the Supreme Court’s Decision
–BCC Statement Regarding the Supreme Court's Decision & resources to engage further
BCC Statement Regarding the Supreme Court's Decision & resources to engage further
Congratulations to all those involved in Boston Modern Orchestra Project (BMOP) and Odyssey Opera's performance of Anthony Davis' X: The Life and Times of Malcolm X at the historic Strand Theatre in Boston including BCC’s very own Central Intermediate Advanced member, Jonathan H, and conductors Mr. Griffith, & Ms. Cooper!
BCC's Executive Director Andrés Holder & Boston While Black's Sheena Collier offer their perspectives on being new to Boston and being Black and why there's hope for a more inclusive future in Boston.
As our outgoing seniors graduate, take a peek at what's next for some of this year's 25(!) graduating young artists and reflections on their BCC experience!
A moving tribute performed and produced by Boston Children's Chorus (BCC) titled, "Those Heroes Who Healed The Nation" for the Shaw 54th National Rededication Ceremony.