Alexis, our Summer Marketing Intern, backstage at MLK 2018 with the Alumni Choir! (Photo Credit: Jocelyne Chin)
A Little Bit About Me
Hi, I’m Alexis, the Marketing Intern here at BCC for the summer! I have been involved with BCC since 2014, first as a singer in Choral Union and Concert Choir and now as an intern.
I am a rising junior Integrated Marketing Communications major at Ithaca College (IC) with a minor in Communication Management & Design. At IC, I am the Social Media Manager for the Random Acts of Kindness club and am the incoming Vice President of Business/Finance for Ithaca College’s Students Today Alumni Tomorrow (STAT). Don’t worry, I still make time to sing in the Campus Chorus Ensemble at IC’s Whalen School of Music.
Besides singing and listening to music, I enjoy spending time with friends by baking treats, reading my favorite books over again, watching vlogs on YouTube, and catching up on social media.
Alexis on the bus during Concert Choir's Montreal Trip in April 2016.
My Time at BCC
I remember first hearing about BCC when Ben Hires (BCC's former Executive Producer and Chief Strategy Officer) left the Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra (BYSO) to work at BCC, as my older sister was a part of BYSO at the time. I have always had a passion for music, especially singing but never did much with singing beside school choir, karaoke at family parties, and just general singing around the house. I first learned how to play the flute in the third grade. In the following year, I left flute for the violin. I eventually quit playing the violin in the eighth grade. I joined an after-school choral program that was near my house in the 10th grade but I wanted even more singing time which made me audition for BCC at the end of the school year.
Some of my favorite BCC memories include the Montreal Trip because it was my first time going to Canada, and going out of the country with BCC. But most importantly I grew closer to a lot of people during that trip. Another personal favorite was working on Gilgamesh. Though I didn’t get to be a part of the actual performances since I was away at my first year of college, I did spend a lot of time in the rehearsals and workshops prior to the actual performances. It was absolutely amazing to see the work in what goes into an opera! Now, reflecting on my BCC experience overall, I am super blessed to have had the opportunities that BCC has given me. This lyric from Jim Papoulis' song Now Is The Time (Time for Change) that BCC sung during the 2016 Season Finale concert remind me of how much BCC means to me because we indeed “give voices to those who can’t be heard, we are the voices of freedom.”
Alexis holding up the 2018-2019 Season Schedule!
Return to BCC
I first returned to BCC this past year to sing in the Alumni Choir for the 2018 MLK concert. I am back at BCC this summer because after nearly giving up on the summer internship search, I decided to shoot Ashley Mac (BCC’s Marketing and Communications Manager) an email about the possibility of shadowing her over the summer. I figured if I didn’t get an internship, I should just shadow someone I knew in the field. I emailed her about my interest in becoming a Marketing/Communications Manager like her one day at a nonprofit like BCC in the hopes that I could shadow her over the summer. In the end, the shadow possibility into a Marketing internship where I now get to apply the skills I have learned in my classes to BCC.
It has always been one of my biggest wishes that I joined BCC sooner than I did. So, I am super grateful for the opportunity to come back and work at BCC as an alumna of the program. Especially since I have always wondered what happens behind the scenes in order for BCC to run all of its programs and what it is like working in arts administration. A little advice for people wanting an internship, networking is definitely key! Make sure to talk to people that you know and see if something is available or if they know anyone that you can work with you!
Thank you for taking the time to read all about me. Check out BCC's social media for some of the content I am working! And make sure to enter our BCC Summer, Photo Contest which ends August 12th!